
GCM Collective

Bonhoeffer on loving real people not community ideals

Posted by Tim Chester on

I’m posting a few quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together (available here from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk) which I recently reviewed on my blog (here). Today some quotes on the danger of loving the dream of community, but not real people – a danger to which...

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Tags: bonhoeffer, community, ideals

Rap in Gospel Ministry

Posted by Tim Chester on

These notes are from a talk by Efrem Buckle at the recent Reaching the Unreached [http://www.reachingtheunreached.org.uk/] conference in Barnsley, England. They are my notes from a talk so they may not accurately represent what Efrem intended. Efrem has a gospel ministry using rap music...

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Tags: rap, music, ministry, school

Michael Emlet on cross talk

Posted by Tim Chester on

A review of Michael R. Emlet, CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet, New Growth Press, 2009. Available here from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk. Rick tells you his wife is divorcing him after 22 years of marriage. How do you bring the words of Scripture to Rick? How do you counsel him with...

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Tags: counseling, book review

Are You Reading the Right Books?

Posted by Jonathan Dodson on

As church leaders it can be difficult to read the books we need to read. We are often overwhelmed with emergency reading—reading in areas of the church where we are deficient (e.g. children’s ministry, church discipline, missional church, counseling, best practices). We scour blogs...

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Slow church

Posted by Tim Chester on

In recent years we have been offered all sorts of options for church: organic church, messy church, simply church, total church. Let me (with tongue in cheek) suggest another: slow church. There is a slow food movement that extols the merits of hand-cooked food made from local ingredients...

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Tags: proverbs, lifestyle

Review of Organic Leadership by Neil Cole

Posted by Tim Chester on

A review of Neil Cole, Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are, Baker, 2009 . Neil Cole is the author of Organic Church and, as the title suggests, in Organic Leadership he takes the approach of Organic Church and applies to leadership and training. Cole begins by...

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Tags: neil cole, leadership, organic church, training, mentoring

Tim Keller on the Gospel in Life

Posted by Tim Chester on

A review of Timothy Keller, Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything DVD and Workbook , Zondervan, 2010. In January I claimed that Tim Keller’s The Prodigal God DVD and workbook was my resource of 2009. I’m pretty confident that his new Gospel In Life DVD and workbook will my...

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Tags: tim keller, mission, training, small groups, gospel, community, the heart, the city, idolatry, work, justice, the poor

Why does the GCM Collective Exist?

Posted by Drew Goodmanson on

The GCM Collective Exists to Promote, Create and Equip Gospel Communities on Mission. A gospel community is a group of believers that lives out the mission of God together as family, in a specific area and to a particular people group by declaring and demonstrating the gospel in...

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Making Community Work: The Centrality of the Cross

Posted by Tim Chester on

Some people are quite excited by the idea of ‘missional community’. They have high ideals. They want to recreate something of what was going on the New Testament or at least revive some of the dreams they had when they were young. For others ‘missional community&rsquo...

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Understanding Your Neighbourhood

Posted by Tim Chester on

Recognising our missional context means we can no longer assume the church understands the culture. We need to get to know our neighbourhood, its people, their stories, values, worldview and culture. We also need to recognize that, while many communities are still defined by geography, they may...

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