
GCM Collective

Gospel Fluency

Posted by Jeff Vanderstelt on

In Ephesians 4:11-16, we are instructed about the means by which the Church grows up into maturity. God givescertain people to the church to equip all believers for ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors andTeachers). Then as each part is doing their job, they build up the body of...

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Tags: gospel, mission, community

What Happens if We Dismiss One of the Following: Gospel, Community or Mission?

Posted by Seth McBee on

The GCM Collective, (Gospel Communities on Mission Collective), desires to promote just that: Communities of people, motivated by the gospel to living as sent ones in places God has called them to.  These communities desire to love God and love neighbor with the goal of making disciples of...

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Tags: gospel, mission, community, social gospel

Discipleship, shepherding and leadership in community

Posted by Tim Chester on

Here's the latest in our series on the GCM distinctives: 6. Discipleship, shepherding and leadership development happen primarily in community on mission  The Christian community is the God-given context for pastoral care and leadership development. In the Christian community the gospel...

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Tags: discipleship, shepherding, leadership, training, community, mission

Everyone exercising gospel ministry

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragraph for each one. Here's the fifth ... 5. Everyone exercising gospel ministry  Mission is communal. Gospel ministry is not the preserve of a professional elite or people in full-time...

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Tags: mission, community, ministry, priesthood of all believers, gifts, leadership

Sharing our lives as extended family

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragraph for each one. Here's the fourth ... 4. Sharing our lives as extended family The church is the community created by the gospel. So Christians are not individuals who gather for meetings...

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Tags: community, decisions, decision-making, conflict, church, church life

All community is missional and all mission is communal

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragrpah for each one. Here's the third ... 3. All community is missional and all mission is communal The Christian community is created by the gospel for the gospel. So its defining purpose is to...

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Tags: community, mission through community, missional, mission, missional church

A community apologetic

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragrpah for each one. Here's the second ... 2. Community is both the hermeneutic and apologetic of the gospel Because the Christian community is created by the gospel it is the place where the...

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Tags: community, newbigin, gospel, mission through community

Bonhoeffer on the community together and apart

Posted by Tim Chester on

I’m posting a few quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together which I recently reviewed (here). Today some quotes on the relationship between the Christian community and activities outside our shared life. ‘Every day brings the Christian many hours of being...

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Tags: bonhoeffer, solitude, community

Bonhoeffer on loving real people not community ideals

Posted by Tim Chester on

I’m posting a few quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together (available here from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk) which I recently reviewed on my blog (here). Today some quotes on the danger of loving the dream of community, but not real people – a danger to which...

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Tags: bonhoeffer, community, ideals

Tim Keller on the Gospel in Life

Posted by Tim Chester on

A review of Timothy Keller, Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything DVD and Workbook , Zondervan, 2010. In January I claimed that Tim Keller’s The Prodigal God DVD and workbook was my resource of 2009. I’m pretty confident that his new Gospel In Life DVD and workbook will my...

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Tags: tim keller, mission, training, small groups, gospel, community, the heart, the city, idolatry, work, justice, the poor