
GCM Collective

We Need Your Help to Grow

Posted by Caesar Kalinowski on

Thanksgiving has passed and we’re heading into the Christmas season. I’ve been reflecting on the past year and I’m humbled and amazed at all that God has allowed us to do together in 2012. Thank you for everything! This year the GCM Collective has grown from a small...

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What Happens if We Dismiss One of the Following: Gospel, Community or Mission?

Posted by Seth McBee on

The GCM Collective, (Gospel Communities on Mission Collective), desires to promote just that: Communities of people, motivated by the gospel to living as sent ones in places God has called them to.  These communities desire to love God and love neighbor with the goal of making disciples of...

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Tags: gospel, mission, community, social gospel

Our main task as leaders

Posted by Tim Chester on

Our main task as leaders 18 August 2010 by Tim Chester In Philippians 1 Paul says he is sure he will survive his imprisonment “and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith” (25). It is an intriguing glimpse into how Paul saw the...

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Tags: joy, phillippians, happiness, christ