
GCM Collective

The goal of teaching and preaching

Posted by Tim Chester on

Here's the final post in our series expanding the GCM distinctives. 7. The goal of teaching and preaching is gospel transformation that equips for ministry Gospel teaching and preaching are not ends in themselves. Our goal is not simply to have good Bible teaching, but for the Bible to shape...

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Tags: preaching, teaching, gospel transformation, leadership

Discipleship, shepherding and leadership in community

Posted by Tim Chester on

Here's the latest in our series on the GCM distinctives: 6. Discipleship, shepherding and leadership development happen primarily in community on mission  The Christian community is the God-given context for pastoral care and leadership development. In the Christian community the gospel...

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Tags: discipleship, shepherding, leadership, training, community, mission

Everyone exercising gospel ministry

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragraph for each one. Here's the fifth ... 5. Everyone exercising gospel ministry  Mission is communal. Gospel ministry is not the preserve of a professional elite or people in full-time...

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Tags: mission, community, ministry, priesthood of all believers, gifts, leadership

How to Lead Gospel Conversations

Posted by Jonathan Dodson on

Have you ever sat in group discussion with and found it incredibly difficult to get a good conversation going? I've found it can be very challenging to move conversations along, especially when you're trying to go deep and get to the gospel. Here are a few principles that might help. Listen...

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Tags: gospel, missional community, leadership

A prayer for church planters and Bible teachers

Posted by Tim Chester on

Here's a prayer for church leaders and Bible teachers ... Lord, I rejoice to suffering for your people .....and I accept more of Christ’s afflictions ....for the sake of his body, the church.You have commissioned me ....to be a servant of the church, to present to your people your word in...

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Tags: leadership, prayer, colossians, suffering, christ

Review of Organic Leadership by Neil Cole

Posted by Tim Chester on

A review of Neil Cole, Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are, Baker, 2009 . Neil Cole is the author of Organic Church and, as the title suggests, in Organic Leadership he takes the approach of Organic Church and applies to leadership and training. Cole begins by...

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Tags: neil cole, leadership, organic church, training, mentoring