
GCM Collective

Are Gospel Communities on Mission Essential to Making Fully Formed Disciples?

Posted by Seth McBee on

Many people see us speaking about making disciples here at the GCM Collective.  Not only that, but we push to what it might look like to make fully formed disciples of Jesus.  We go so far as to say that you cannot make fully formed disciples of Jesus without being led and empowered by...

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Tags: discipleship

Getting to Know the Neighborhood. Simply.

Posted by Seth McBee on

One of the pleasures of being part of the team here at the GCM Collective is that I get to hear amazing stories from around the world about how God is working in and through the lives of his people.  I thought I'd share one of many that I recently read.   I met Blake Thompson how I...

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Discipleship, shepherding and leadership in community

Posted by Tim Chester on

Here's the latest in our series on the GCM distinctives: 6. Discipleship, shepherding and leadership development happen primarily in community on mission  The Christian community is the God-given context for pastoral care and leadership development. In the Christian community the gospel...

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Tags: discipleship, shepherding, leadership, training, community, mission

Sharing our lives as extended family

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragraph for each one. Here's the fourth ... 4. Sharing our lives as extended family The church is the community created by the gospel. So Christians are not individuals who gather for meetings...

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Tags: community, decisions, decision-making, conflict, church, church life

All community is missional and all mission is communal

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragrpah for each one. Here's the third ... 3. All community is missional and all mission is communal The Christian community is created by the gospel for the gospel. So its defining purpose is to...

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Tags: community, mission through community, missional, mission, missional church

A community apologetic

Posted by Tim Chester on

The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragrpah for each one. Here's the second ... 2. Community is both the hermeneutic and apologetic of the gospel Because the Christian community is created by the gospel it is the place where the...

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Tags: community, newbigin, gospel, mission through community

Our main task as leaders

Posted by Tim Chester on

Our main task as leaders 18 August 2010 by Tim Chester In Philippians 1 Paul says he is sure he will survive his imprisonment “and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith” (25). It is an intriguing glimpse into how Paul saw the...

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Tags: joy, phillippians, happiness, christ

How the GCM vision differs from things that look similar

Posted by Tim Chester on

This clip explains how our vision in Total Church and The Crowded House is different from some approaches that look similar. While not wanting to exaggerate the differences, I try to explain how our vision contrasts with that of reconstructionists who try to reproduce exactly what was...

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Tags: gcm collective, gospel, missional church, gospel communities, missional communities, church planting, reconstructionists, reconstructionism

Closing the Window on Porn

Posted by Tim Chester on

My book on pomography is to be published by Inter-Varsity Press in November 2010. The title will be Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free (the UK title is Captured By A Better Vision). Here's what Inter-Varsity say about it ... Pomography is everywhere. Far too many Christians...

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Tags: pornography, pastoral care, men, sexuality, masturbation, community life, community care

Bonhoeffer on the community together and apart

Posted by Tim Chester on

I’m posting a few quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together which I recently reviewed (here). Today some quotes on the relationship between the Christian community and activities outside our shared life. ‘Every day brings the Christian many hours of being...

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Tags: bonhoeffer, solitude, community
