As Christians, we often wonder why we continue to sin in the same old ways, see so little real change in our lives, and possess such a low desire to be “on mission” for God. We generally continue to live our Christian version of the “American Dream” with a little church...
An introduction to my new book, A Meal With Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community and Mission Around the Table. A Meal with Jesus is already available in the US from Crossway and will be published in the UK by IVP in the autumn of 2011.
For more information go to
Many people use the term gospel, but many do not understand how the gospel not only brings us from death to life, but also makes us more and more like Jesus on a daily basis. Paul says it like this:
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which...
The GCM Collective has identified some of our key distinctives and are working an explanatory paragrpah for each one. Here's the first ...
1. The gospel is the answer to every question
The gospel is not simply the means by which we are converted. It is the good news of redemption through Jesus...
I love idealists. The gospel calls us to be holy, gospel-centred, loving, missional people and to be holy, gospel-centred, loving, missional communities. Given the choice, I’ll always take an idealist over a pragmatist.
And the missional world is full of them.
But ideals can be...
In coming posts we're going to be looking at some of the GCM dinsticitives. The first is this: "The gospel is the answer to every question".
The story is told of a Sunday School teacher who asked her class, ‘What’s the animal with a long, bushy tail that lives in trees?’ One...
Have you ever sat in group discussion with and found it incredibly difficult to get a good conversation going? I've found it can be very challenging to move conversations along, especially when you're trying to go deep and get to the gospel. Here are a few principles that might help.
Jonny Woodrow shows how the framework of creation, fall, redemption and consummation can be used to connect the stories of our culture with the gospel story. He applies this approach to slimming and dieting.
Jonny is a church planter with The Crowded House...
Our main task as leaders
18 August 2010
by Tim Chester
In Philippians 1 Paul says he is sure he will survive his imprisonment “and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith” (25). It is an intriguing glimpse into how Paul saw the...
These notes are from a talk by Duncan Forbes at the recent Reaching the Unreached [] conference in Barnsley, in the UK. They are my notes from a talk so they may not accurately represent what Duncan intended.
3. God has sovereignly arranged deprived...