Everyday Theology
I gave this talk at the Total Church Conference in Sheffield, UK, 2010. Everyday Theology (A Theology of Washing Up) [audio http://www.thecrowdedhouse.org/mediafiles/friday-session-2.mp3]
I gave this talk at the Total Church Conference in Sheffield, UK, 2010. Everyday Theology (A Theology of Washing Up) [audio http://www.thecrowdedhouse.org/mediafiles/friday-session-2.mp3]
The following is an adapted response to someone who asked whether I thought they could change. I’ve edited my response to remove any personal references including any allusions to the nature of the issue. I do think you can change. I can’t guarantee that. But change is always...
Due to the tight timeline and low registration numbers, the GCM Collective has decided to postpone the GCM Collective Conference until 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience. It is our hope that by allowing adequate time for planning and promotion, that the 2011 conference can be attended...
One of my blog posts that garnered the most ever comments was one questioning whether the incarnation is a right model for mission as expressed in the oft repeated phrase, ‘incarnational mission’. So I was interested to see two people independently questioning it along similar...
Jonny Woodrow shows how the framework of creation, fall, redemption and consummation can be used to connect the stories of our culture with the gospel story. He applies this approach to slimming and dieting. Jonny is a church planter with The Crowded House...
Our main task as leaders 18 August 2010 by Tim Chester In Philippians 1 Paul says he is sure he will survive his imprisonment “and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith” (25). It is an intriguing glimpse into how Paul saw the...
A review of A Reader’s Greek New Testament, eds. Richard J. Goodrich and Albert L. Lukaszewski, 2nd Edition, Zondervan, 2007. Available here from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk. Maybe like me you studied NT Greek at college, but never really kept it up. Now when you pick up your Greek...