
GCM Collective

The Proactive and Reactive Mission

Posted by Caesar Kalinowski on

Proactive & Reactive Mission from Caesar Kalinowski on Vimeo. When starting a missional community, many will ask the question: How do we all have the same context for mission if we aren't living in the same neighborhood?  Many state that they already have people in their work place, or...

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Tags: mission

I thought we were supposed to be “new creations”–what happened?!

Posted by Caesar Kalinowski on

As Christians, we often wonder why we continue to sin in the same old ways, see so little real change in our lives, and possess such a low desire to be “on mission” for God. We generally continue to live our Christian version of the “American Dream” with a little church...

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We Need Your Help to Grow

Posted by Caesar Kalinowski on

Thanksgiving has passed and we’re heading into the Christmas season. I’ve been reflecting on the past year and I’m humbled and amazed at all that God has allowed us to do together in 2012. Thank you for everything! This year the GCM Collective has grown from a small...

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Book Review: Permanent Revolution

Posted by Caesar Kalinowski on

Back in 2005, while a bunch of us were trying to figure out what a truly "missional" church and existence would look like, The Shaping of Things to Come became the only road map we could find. That book didn't so much tell the reader what to do, but it dropped enough road signs along the way...

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